Saturday 25 January 2014

Dance workshop Photos

The group have had quite a few meetings discussing our ideas and we came up with the idea of focusing on the four elements: Water, Wind, Fire and Earth. we felt as though this would be great incorporate dance into as each element has its own attributes and qualities which will bring great variation to the dance.

We put this idea to the test in our dance workshop in which we had 4 dancers at once improvising a dance for the same element, we repeated this for each element. This was very useful as we were inspired by the different perceptions of the elements that each of the dancers had e.g. a whirlpool for water which we hadn't thought of before, this gave us wider range of options of what how each element could be represented  in terms of choreography.

Saturday 18 January 2014




Notes from dance workshop

4 Components of dance - action, dynamics, relationship, space

2 hours max for a dancer dancing without break. No concrete floor without previous warning/preparation. Room temperature at least 18 degrees. Time to warm up/cool down. provide beverages for dancers
Screening list - 10/01/14
Hilary Harris - 9 Variations on dance
Eiko, Koma
Paul Kaiser, Shelly Eshkan - Ghost Catching
Wendy Housten - Touch
Llyod Newson - Enter Achilles
Philipe Decoufle - Le Petite Bal

Friday 10 January 2014

An amazing acrobatic performance from the Ross sisters to a song about potato salad. (1944)